Home Guides AI-Wordsmith Art Article
Ai-Wordsmith Art lets you create beautiful, original AI images using Ai-Wordsmith's new Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image features. The art is in the sidebar of the app. Once selected, you will be given the option to create an image.
Enter a new name for your image. This is optional and only for your reference.
Enter the image description. You can let your mind run wild and be creative.
Choose an art style, medium and mood.
Select an image resolution and how many numbers of images you want the AI to generate.
Click on Generate Image button and watch the magic.
Image Results & Actions
Click image name to enlarge. From here you have several options.
- Close the window
- Zoom in
- Zoom out
- Full Screen
- Revert to actual size
- Download image
What AI-Wordsmith isn't the greatest at making... yet!
Words: Because AI-Wordsmith fails to properly form words, you may see some intriguing results if you request an infographic or meme.
Faces: Human faces can appear "melty" or twisted at times. Don't be concerned. You may only need to change your inputs to get a more precise outcome.
For more tips and tricks on how to get the best image, click here
Also you can check our FAQ
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