Rewrite Content

Posted on 2023-03-23 Updated on 2023-03-23

Is it time to rewrite an old article you wrote? The AI-Wordsmith comes to the rescue. Here's a rough outline to get you started on rewriting a previous article. This post assumes you've completed the AI-Wordsmith Basis, our self-paced onboarding program. 

That being said, rewriting text for AI-Wordsmith may be a snap if you know where to start and what to urge him to do.

Before you begin altering material, there are a few templates/features you should be aware of. We recommend that you test all of these features in your app before beginning your first rewrite component. 

1. The Commands template: 

Using this template, you may communicate with the AI in freeform speech while also being detailed in your instructions. Simply copy and paste the paragraph you want to edit or change into the "Background Information" section. Try typing some of these instructions in the commands section: "This content should be rewritten to be more technical." "Make this paragraph more interesting." "Make this paragraph more detailed."

2. Content Rewriter template:

We salute this steadfast template. The AI-Wordsmith Community has long favored it. This template rewrites your content to make it more fascinating, innovative, and engaging. When you give AI-Wordsmith the skeleton of your material and let him fatten it up for you, this template works fantastically.

3. Summarize for 2nd Grader

Consider simplifying! This is a good rewriting template for simplifying your message. It will generally make the text simpler to read and understand.

4. Summarizer Text Template: 

This template may be towards the bottom, but it is your new best buddy. The text summarizer template can assist you in extracting the main points from a piece of text. The text summarizer almost always gets it right, so you'll only need to create 1-2 outputs to acquire the accurate summary.

5. Shortcode

The shortcode is the simplest approach to refocus Ai-Wordsmith exclusively on what you want him to read. More information may be found here.

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