Write a Product Description

Posted on 2023-03-23 Updated on 2023-03-23

Excellent news! For Product Descriptions, we have a specially trained template! AI-Wordsmith's staff fine-tunes the AI models based on the structure of our templates to ensure amazing results based on the inputs provided.

The Template's Best Practice

You are given a character restriction inside the input area of your template to guarantee that AI-Wordsmith reads and concentrates on just what you want him to write. Try utilizing bullet points or lists for descriptions in particular.

Note: A typical stumbling block we find is AI-Wordsmith customers copying and pasting a competitor's product description into the "product description" field. Rather than merely copying and pasting, consider summarizing the other product description into bullet points to motivate AI-Wordsmith. AI-Wordsmith would like to perform the tidying up for you with this template. This guarantees that he does not repeat information for you.

More explanations for why AI-Wordsmith may be repeating your supplied information.

Do you have any additional suggestions for killer product descriptions? Please contact us at [email protected]. 🤩

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